Music, laughter, and a journey of the heart are the values that permeate Janet Stone’s approach to Vinyasa yoga. Having transcended many layers of personal transformation, through family, travels and yoga, Janet has emerged a powerful yogi, offering a vibrant presence that’s spreading like wildfire. Describing her own practice as “dynamic, prana movin’, heart-expanding, rough [yet] tender, fluid and steady,” the energy she emits is contagious and students love her.”*
Janet’s roots burrow deep into the soil of beautiful Northern California, where she came of age on a wide-open, free-loving hippie farm. It was there that she began to develop a profound, natural connection to the Earth. The farm was a haven of warm, cheerful brightness. An equal emphasis was placed on hard work & bailing hay, as swimming naked & dancing freely.
A passion for adventure, physical challenge, and flexibility has led Janet down many paths. Life after college landed her in Los Angeles where she spent 11 years funneling her perceptive energy into television and film. Her spirit eventually broke free of Hollywood and led her to Northern India, where her grandfather was born. Here she discovered yoga and was inspired to pursue formal training. In 2001, time and fate brought her explorations full circle, anchoring her in San Francisco, CA, not far from her childhood home. She settled down there to raise two daughters, India and Lilliana, beginning a new cycle of divine teachings.
Throughout my adventures, travels & movement from motherhood to teaching yoga I’ve found that I always have my Three Minute Eggs with me (this has created both curiosity and humor at customs). They are integral to my practice, from creating a little more space for my hips to open, to deepening restorative poses with gentle yet powerful support behind my heart. - Janet Stone
Ever inspired by the light that motherhood has shed, Janet has created a series of Radiant Mom workshops (formerly known as Strong Mom workshops), devoted to helping women traverse the various stages of motherhood. Recognizing the exhilarating yet exhausting demands of the energy required to nurture one’s children, these workshops help fellow mothers maintain a strong connection to their center. She passes along her own experiences to help create new ones for her students. She has resonated throughout the community of mothers, guiding them onto new paths of self-discovery, empowered by their own being.
Janet teaches workshops, retreats and teacher trainings all over the world, and she always has some Eggs by her side. The Eggs are an integral part of her Strong Mom workshops, most specifically used in heart- and shoulder-openers. These postures provide great relief from the stress to the back and neck that comes from holding babies, carrying groceries, and standing over a hot stove. With Janet’s approach, mothers can once again regain their body and core, releasing the soul and radiating upon their children. When she’s not on the road, Janet can be found teaching at The Yoga Tree in San Francisco; come early as the room is usually filled to capacity.
Janet has recently produced and starred in a series of three DVDs: Radiant Mom Yoga, Mellow Flow Yoga, and Radiant Flow Yoga. Radiant Mom Yoga, the most recent of the series and released this summer, is an encapsulation of her Radiant Mom workshops. She knows it’s hard for a busy mama to make it to class on a regular basis. This daily practice incorporates the Eggs in very specific ways. We are proud to help support so many mothers, and honored to be a part of the Radiant Mom family.
“Janet rocks! We first met at the Midwest Yoga Conference in 2009 and have been friends ever since. She was mellow yet empowered, unassuming yet strong, and very excited to try the Three Minute Egg®. Her classes were full-on flow first thing in the morning, leaving in her wake an exodus of happy sweaty yogis who later traipsed through the marketplace and into my booth.” — Jason Scholder, Owner/Inventor; Three Minute Egg®
*Quote provided courtesy of MindBodyGreen. **Photo provided courtesy of Faernworks.