Andasanas: Three Minute Egg® Yoga Postures
“Andasana” is a neo-ancient Sanskrit term that combines the roots “anda” (egg) with “asana” (posture). Transposed, the word “asananda” can be interpreted as “blissful posture” (“ananda” = bliss; “asana” = posture). Andasanas, then, are yoga postures that have been made more accessible with the Three Minute Egg®.
The instructions for every Andasana includes Where To, Why To, How To, and When Not To guidelines and they are categorized by type of posture below. For a more direct and intense Eggsperience, attend or host a Three Minute Egg® workshop.
Forward Folds
Seated Postures
Standing Postures
Supine Postures
ATTENTION: Supporting your practice with these instructions may lead to Total Eggstasy!